Geeks And Theory Museums

Museums are for keeping and displaying famous masterpieces of great artists. Count also in the museums the relics of lost civilizations as well as the recent works of artist that are considered priceless. But did you know there are so many museums that exhibit different kinds of subjects for a particular art. Example of this is the wax museum. Some of the paintings that cannot be displayed because of space problem were kept and preserved in a place that is temperature controlled and tightly secured.

I have research for other museums and found out that there are so many other types that are very interesting. Not only interesting but out of curiosity you’ll be eager to visit, because maybe to are (like me) I’m so inquisitive about geeks (what to do they love and interest them). We always think that geeks are spending most of their time to read books, go to libraries and a loner, but who would think that there a museum intended for them?

Listed here are the top five museums that geeks will love to visit.


Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum

This museum are for geeks who loves mechanical process. They are the one who likes robotical figures and fond of moving mechanical parts.

Titan Missile Museum

I am interested in military hardware. I do love to go to this place and ask questions on so many things about missiles.

Pirate Soul Museum

Those who watched the movie Pirate in the Carribean will be fascinated in this museum. The items here are more particular about pirates.

Maison d’Ailleurs

This is a place for people who loves science fictions. You can find some incredible science fiction stories written way back from the16th century.


When you want to know about anything , this museum has all the collections of any subject you want to research. This is like collections of encyclopedias put in one place.


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